Grant support


 A Hungarian Brain Research Program 3.0 Grant, operating in the framework of the National Programs of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences has been awarded to the HCEMM-USZ Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism Research Group for four years. The Research Group has won support to realize the proposed program, and to conduct novel and exciting research in the field of the pathophysiology and therapy of ischemic stroke.

Funded research applications to the New National Excellence Program


 The Review Panel of the New National Excellence Program of the Ministry of Human Capacities have funded the research project applications of Dr. Réka Tóth and Dr. Armand Rafael Bálint PhD students, and Péter Archibald Szarvas and Péter Kozák undergraduate medical student. Their project supervisors are Dr. Ákos Menyhárt and Dr. Rita Frank. The research forms an integral part of the activity of the HCEMM-USZ Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism Research Group. Congratulations for the achievement!

Participation at the Vascular Biology Summer School 2022

 The Vascular Biology Summer School 2022, a joint event of the European Vascular Biology Organisation and the European Microcirculation Society was organized online between June 13-15, 2022. Anna Törteli attended the event as a PhD student, and Dr. Eszter Farkas contributed to the summer school as a member of the organizing committee and as a speaker. The summer school provided postgraduate students and junior postdoctoral scientists an opportunity to gain insight into the key questions and cutting-edge methodologies in vascular biology.