Research papers


  • Törteli A., Tóth R., Bari F., Farkas E., Menyhárt Á. (2024). Collateral is brain: Low perfusion triggers spreading depolarization and futile reperfusion after acute ischemic stroke. J Cereb Blood Flow Metab. 3:271678X241270480. doi: 10.1177/0271678X241270480.
    Open access
  • Pesti, I., Barczánfalvi, G., Dulka, K., Kata, D., Farkas, E., & Gulya, K. (2024). Bafilomycin 1A Affects p62/SQSTM1 Autophagy Marker Protein Level and Autophagosome Puncta Formation Oppositely under Various Inflammatory Conditions in Cultured Rat Microglial Cells. Int J Mol Sci. 25(15):8265. doi: 10.3390/ijms25158265.
    Open access
  • Ali, Z., Frank, R., Körmöczi, T., Ilisz, I., Domoki, F., Weizner, R., Bari F., Farkas, E., & Berkecz, R. (2024). UHPLC-MS/MS Approach for Following Nimodipine Saturation Kinetics in Acute Rat Brain Slice. J. Anal. Test. doi: 10.1007/s41664-024-00316-z.
    Open access
  • Frank, R., Szarvas, P. A., Pesti, I., Zsigmond, A., Berkecz, R., Menyhárt, Á., Bari, F., & Farkas, E. (2024). Nimodipine inhibits spreading depolarization, ischemic injury, and neuroinflammation in mouse live brain slice preparations. Eur J Pharmacol. 977:176718. doi: 10.1016/j.ejphar.2024.176718.
    Open access
  • Pesti, I., Légrádi, Á., & Farkas, E. (2024). Primary microglia cell cultures in translational research: Strengths and limitations. J Biotechnol. 386:10-18. doi: 10.1016/j.jbiotec.2024.03.005.
    Open access
  • Dulka K, Lajkó N, Nacsa K, Gulya K. (2024) Opposite and Differently Altered Postmortem Changes in H3 and H3K9me3 Patterns in the Rat Frontal Cortex and Hippocampus. Epigenomes. 8(1):11. doi: 10.3390/epigenomes8010011.
    Open access
  • Menyhárt, Á., Bálint, A. R., Kozák, P., Bari, F., & Farkas, E. (2024). Nimodipine accelerates the restoration of functional hyperemia during spreading oligemia. J Neurochem. 168(5):888-898. doi: 10.1111/jnc.15792.
    Open access


  • Zhou Z, Wang D, Luo D, Zhou Z, Liu W, Zeng W, Dinnyés A, Xiong YL, Sun Q. (2023) Non-covalent binding of chlorogenic acid to myofibrillar protein improved its bio-functionality properties and metabolic fate.  Food Chem. 440:138208. doi: 10.1016/j.foodchem.2023.138208.
    Open access
  • Farkas, E., Frank, R., Menyhárt, Á. (2023) The contribution of astrocytes to ischemia-related cerebral edema formation and increased neuronal excitability. Glia. 71(S1), pp. E92. doi: 10.1002/glia.24417.
    Open access
  • Frank, R., Farkas, E., Menyhárt, Á. (2023) The role of astrocyte dysfunction in the evolution of spreading depolarization during ischemia. Glia. 71(S1), pp. E669. doi: 10.1002/glia.24417.
    Open access
  • Frank, R., Pesti, I. Menyhárt, Á., Szarvas, P., Gulya, K., Bari, F., Farkas, E. (2023) Nimodipine exerts a protective effect against spreading depolarization and neuroinflammation. Physiology. 38(S1). doi: 10.1152/physiol.2023.38.S1.5762940.
    Open access
  • Törteli, A., Bálint, A.R., Tóth, R., Makra, P., Bari, F., Farkas, E., Menyhárt, Á. (2023) Reperfusion failure after spreading depolarization shapes hemoglobin content in the mouse cortex. IBRO Neuroscience Reports. 15, S467-S867, P1300 / #4102. doi: 10.1016/j.ibneur.2023.08.1306.
    Open access
  • Tóth, R., Kovács, N., Horváth, I., Máthé, D., Menyhárt, Á., Farkas, E. (2023) Infarct size in the subacute phase of experimental focal ischemic stroke does not correspond with functional outcomes. J. Cereb. Blood Flow Metab. 43(1S), S122. doi: 10.1177/0271678X231176482.
    Open acccess
  • Bari, F., Bálint, A.R., Menyhárt, Á., Farkas, E. (2023) Spreading depolarization impairs neurovascular coupling in ischemia/reperfusion in mice. J. Cereb. Blood Flow Metab. 43(1S), S30. doi: 10.1177/0271678X231176478.
    Open acccess
  • Ballók B, Schranc Á, Tóth I, Somogyi P, Tolnai J, Peták F, Fodor GH. (2023) Comparison of the respiratory effects of commonly utilized general anaesthesia regimes in male Sprague-Dawley rats. Front Physiol. 14:1249127. doi: 10.3389/fphys.2023.1249127.
    Open access
  • Horánszky A, Shashikadze B, Elkhateib R, Lombardo SD, Lamberto F, Zana M, Menche J, Fröhlich T, Dinnyés A. (2023) Proteomics and disease network associations evaluation of environmentally relevant Bisphenol A concentrations in a human 3D neural stem cell model. Front Cell Dev Biol. 11:1236243. doi: 10.3389/fcell.2023.1236243.
    Open access
  • Lamberto F, Shashikadze B, Elkhateib R, Lombardo SD, Horánszky A, Balogh A, Kistamás K, Zana M, Menche J, Fröhlich T, Dinnyés A. (2023) Low-dose Bisphenol A exposure alters the functionality and cellular environment in a human cardiomyocyte model. Environ Pollut. 335:122359. doi: 10.1016/j.envpol.2023.122359.
    Open Access
  • Kiss T, Mir Y, Stefancsik G, Ganbat G, Askarova A, Monostori E, Dulka K, Szebeni GJ, Nyúl-Tóth Á, Csiszár A, Legradi A. (2023) Galectin-1 as a marker for microglia activation in the aging brain. Brain Res. 1818:148517. doi: 10.1016/j.brainres.2023.148517.
    Open Access
  • Kistamás K, Müller A, Muenthaisong S, Lamberto F, Zana M, Dulac M, Leal F, Maziz A, Costa P, Bernotiene E, Bergaud C, Dinnyés A. (2023) Multifactorial approaches to enhance maturation of human iPSC-derived cardiomyocytes. J. Mol. Liq. 387:122668. doi: 10.1016/j.molliq.2023.122668.
    Open Access
  • Szabo M, Lajkó N, Dulka K, Barczánfalvi G, Lőrinczi B, Szatmári I, Mihály A, Vécsei L, Gulya K. (2023) The kynurenic acid analog SZR104 induces cytomorphological changes associated with the anti-inflammatory phenotype in cultured microglia. Sci Rep. 13(1):11328. doi: 10.1038/s41598-023-38107-8.
    Open access
  • Zhou Z, Luo D, Li M, Lao G, Zhou Z, Dinnyés A, Xu W, Sun Q. (2023) A Novel Multicellular Placental Barrier Model to Investigate the Effect of Maternal Aflatoxin B1 Exposure on Fetal-Side Neural Stem Cells.  Toxins (Basel). 15(5):312. doi: 10.3390/toxins15050312.
    Open access
  • Kecskés, Sz.,Menyhárt, Á., Bari, F., Farkas, E. (2023) Nimodipine augments cerebrovascular reactivity in aging but runs the risk of local perfusion reduction in acute cerebral ischemia. Front Aging Neurosci. 15:1175281. doi: 10.3389/fnagi.2023.1175281.
    Open access
  • Törteli, A., Tóth, R., Berger, S., Samardzic, S., Bari, F., Menyhárt, Á., & Farkas, E. (2023). Spreading depolarization causes reperfusion failure after cerebral ischemia. J Cereb Blood Flow Metab. 43(5):655-664. doi: 10.1177/0271678X231153745.
    Open access
  • Zhou, Z., Wang, D., Xu, X., Dai, J., Lao, G., Zhang, S., Xu, X., Dinnyés, A., Xiong, Y., & Sun, Q. (2023). Myofibrillar protein-chlorogenic acid complexes ameliorate glucose metabolism via modulating gut microbiota in a type 2 diabetic rat model. Food Chem. 409:135195. doi: 10.1016/j.foodchem.2022.135195.
    Open access


  • Hojeij, B., Rousian, M., Sinclair, K. D., Dinnyes, A., Steegers-Theunissen, R. P. M., & Schoenmakers, S. (2022). Periconceptional biomarkers for maternal obesity: a systematic review. Reviews in Endocrine &Rev Endocr Metab Disord. 24(2):139-175. doi: 10.1007/s11154-022-09762-5.
    Open access
  • Tian, L., Zhao, R., Xu, X., Zhou, Z., Xu, X., Luo, D., Zhou, Z., Liu, Y., Kushmaro, A., Marks, R. S., Dinnyés, A., & Sun, Q. (2022). Modulatory effects of Lactiplantibacillus plantarum on chronic metabolic diseases. Food Science and Human Wellness. 12(4), 959–974. doi: 10.1016/j.fshw.2022.10.018.
    Open access
  • Kovács T, Szinyákovics J, Billes V, Murányi G, Varga VB, Bjelik A, Légrádi Á, Szabó M, Sándor S, Kubinyi E, Szekeres-Paracky C, Szocsics P, Lőke J, Mulder J, Gulyás B, Renner É, Palkovits M, Gulya K, Maglóczky Z, Vellai T. (2022) A conserved MTMR lipid phosphatase increasingly suppresses autophagy in brain neurons during aging. Sci Rep. 12(1):21817. doi: 10.1038/s41598-022-24843-w.
    Open access
  • Kata D, Gróf I, Hoyk Z, Ducza E, Deli MA, Zupkó I, Földesi I. (2022) Immunofluorescent Evidence for Nuclear Localization of Aromatase in Astrocytes in the Rat Central Nervous System. Int J Mol Sci. 23(16):8946. doi: 10.3390/ijms23168946.
    Open access
  • Fehér A, Schnúr A, Muenthaisong S, Bellák T, Ayaydin F, Várady G, Kemter E, Wolf E, Dinnyés A. (2022) Establishment and characterization of a novel human induced pluripotent stem cell line stably expressing the iRFP720 reporter. Sci Rep. 12(1):9874. doi: 10.1038/s41598-022-12956-1.
    Open access
  • Menyhárt Á, Frank R, Farkas AE, Süle Z, Varga VÉ, Nyúl-Tóth Á, Meiller A, Ivánkovits-Kiss O, Lemale CL, Szabó Í, Tóth R, Zölei-Szénási D, Woitzik J, Marinesco S, Krizbai IA, Bari F, Dreier JP, Farkas E. (2022) Malignant astrocyte swelling and impaired glutamate clearance drive the expansion of injurious spreading depolarization foci. J Cereb Blood Flow Metab. 42(4):584-599. doi: 10.1177/0271678X211040056.
    Open access
  • Abdelghafour MM, Orbán Á, Deák Á, Lamch Ł, Frank É, Nagy R, Ziegenheim S, Sipos P, Farkas E, Bari F, Janovák L. (2022) Biocompatible poly(ethylene succinate) polyester with molecular weight dependent drug release properties. Int J Pharm. 618:121653. doi: 10.1016/j.ijpharm.2022.121653.
    Open access
  • Andrew RD, Hartings JA, Ayata C, Brennan KC, Dawson-Scully KD, Farkas E, Herreras O, Kirov SA, Müller M, Ollen-Bittle N, Reiffurth C, Revah O, Robertson RM, Shuttleworth CW, Ullah G, Dreier JP. (2022) The Critical Role of Spreading Depolarizations in Early Brain Injury: Consensus and Contention. Neurocrit Care. 37(Suppl 1):83-101. doi: 10.1007/s12028-021-01431-w.
    Open access
  • Császár E, Lénárt N, Cserép C, Környei Z, Fekete R, Pósfai B, Balázsfi D, Hangya B, Schwarcz AD, Szabadits E, Szöllősi D, Szigeti K, Máthé D, West BL, Sviatkó K, Brás AR, Mariani JC, Kliewer A, Lenkei Z, Hricisák L, Benyó Z, Baranyi M, Sperlágh B, Menyhárt Á, Farkas E, Dénes Á. (2022) Microglia modulate blood flow, neurovascular coupling, and hypoperfusion via purinergic actions. J Exp Med. 219(3):e20211071. doi: 10.1084/jem.20211071.
    Open access
  • Andrew RD, Farkas E, Hartings JA, Brennan KC, Herreras O, Müller M, Kirov SA, Ayata C, Ollen-Bittle N, Reiffurth C, Revah O, Robertson RM, Dawson-Scully KD, Ullah G, Dreier JP. (2022) Questioning Glutamate Excitotoxicity in Acute Brain Damage: The Importance of Spreading Depolarization. Neurocrit Care. 37(Suppl 1):11-30. doi: 10.1007/s12028-021-01429-4.
    Open access
  • Nunes C, Singh P, Mazidi Z, Murphy C, Bourguignon A, Wellens S, Chandrasekaran V, Ghosh S, Zana M, Pamies D, Thomas A, Verfaillie C, Culot M, Dinnyes A, Hardy B, Wilmes A, Jennings P, Grillari R, Grillari J, Zurich MG, Exner T. (2022) An in vitro strategy using multiple human induced pluripotent stem cell-derived models to assess the toxicity of chemicals: A case study on paraquat. Toxicol In Vitro. 81:105333. doi: 10.1016/j.tiv.2022.105333.
    Open access
  • Szabo M, Lajkó N, Dulka K, Szatmári I, Fülöp F, Mihály A, Vécsei L, Gulya K. (2022) Kynurenic Acid and Its Analog SZR104 Exhibit Strong Antiinflammatory Effects and Alter the Intracellular Distribution and Methylation Patterns of H3 Histones in Immunochallenged Microglia-Enriched Cultures of Newborn Rat Brains. Int J Mol Sci. 23(3):1079. doi: 10.3390/ijms23031079.
    Open access
  • Mitrečić D, Hribljan V, Jagečić D, Isaković J, Lamberto F, Horánszky A, Zana M, Foldes G, Zavan B, Pivoriūnas A, Martinez S, Mazzini L, Radenovic L, Milasin J, Chachques JC, Buzanska L, Song MS, Dinnyés A. (2022) Regenerative Neurology and Regenerative Cardiology: Shared Hurdles and Achievements. Int J Mol Sci. 23(2):855. doi: 10.3390/ijms23020855.
    Open access
  • Francistiová L, Vörös K, Lovász Zs, Dinnyés A, and Kobolák J. (2022) Detection and Functional Evaluation of the P2X7 Receptor in HiPSC Derived Neurons and Microglia-Like Cells. Front Mol Neurosci. 14:793769. doi: 10.3389/fnmol.2021.793769.
    Open access
  • Menyhárt Á, Varga DP, M Tóth O, Makra P, Bari F, Farkas E. (2022) Transient Hypoperfusion to Ischemic/Anoxic Spreading Depolarization is Related to Autoregulatory Failure in the Rat Cerebral Cortex. Neurocrit Care. 37(Suppl 1):112-122. doi: 10.1007/s12028-021-01393-z.
    Open access


  • Horánszky A, Becker JL, Zana M, Ferguson-Smith AC, Dinnyés A. (2021) Epigenetic Mechanisms of ART-Related Imprinting Disorders: Lessons From iPSC and Mouse Models. Genes (Basel). 12(11):1704. doi: 10.3390/genes12111704.
    Open access
  • Rubini E, Baijens IMM, Horánszky A, Schoenmakers S, Sinclair KD, Zana M, Dinnyés A, (2021) Steegers-Theunissen RPM, Rousian M. Maternal One-Carbon Metabolism during the Periconceptional Period and Human Foetal Brain Growth: A Systematic Review. Genes (Basel). 12(10):1634. doi: 10.3390/genes12101634.;
    Open access
  • Lamberto F, Peral-Sanchez I, Muenthaisong S, Zana M, Willaime-Morawek S, Dinnyés A. (2021) Environmental Alterations during Embryonic Development: Studying the Impact of Stressors on Pluripotent Stem Cell-Derived Cardiomyocytes. Genes (Basel). 12(10):1564. doi: 10.3390/genes12101564.
    Open access
  • Abdelghafour MM, Orbán Á, Deák Á, Lamch Ł, Frank É, Nagy R, Ádám A, Sipos P, Farkas E, Bari F, Janovák L. (2021) The Effect of Molecular Weight on the Solubility Properties of Biocompatible Poly(ethylene succinate) Polyester. Polymers (Basel). 13(16):2725. doi: 10.3390/polym13162725.
    Open access
  • Francistiová L, Klepe A, Curley G, Gulya K, Dinnyés A, Filkor K. (2021) Cellular and Molecular Effects of SARS-CoV-2 Linking Lung Infection to the Brain. Front Immunol. 12:730088. doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2021.730088.
    Open access
  • Szabó Í, Varga VÉ, Dvorácskó S, Farkas AE, Körmöczi T, Berkecz R, Kecskés S, Menyhárt Á, Frank R, Hantosi D, Cozzi NV, Frecska E, Tömböly C, Krizbai IA, Bari F, Farkas E. (2021) N,N-Dimethyltryptamine attenuates spreading depolarization and restrains neurodegeneration by sigma-1 receptor activation in the ischemic rat brain. Neuropharmacology. 192:108612. doi: 10.1016/j.neuropharm.2021.108612.
    Open access
  • Pansri P, Phanthong P, Suthprasertporn N, Kitiyanant Y, Tubsuwan A, Dinnyes A, Kobolak J, Kitiyanant N. (2021) Brain-derived neurotrophic factor increases cell number of neural progenitor cells derived from human induced pluripotent stem cells. PeerJ. 9:e11388. doi: 10.7717/peerj.11388.
    Open access
  • Frank R, Bari F, Menyhárt Á, Farkas E. (2021) Comparative analysis of spreading depolarizations in brain slices exposed to osmotic or metabolic stress. BMC Neurosci. 22(1):33. doi: 10.1186/s12868-021-00637-0.
    Open access
  • Dulka K, Szabo M, Lajkó N, Belecz I, Hoyk Z, Gulya K. (2021) Epigenetic Consequences of in Utero Exposure to Rosuvastatin: Alteration of Histone Methylation Patterns in Newborn Rat Brains. Int J Mol Sci. 22(7):3412. doi: 10.3390/ijms22073412.
    Open access
  • Tóth R, Farkas AE, Krizbai IA, Makra P, Bari F, Farkas E, Menyhárt Á. (2021) Astrocyte Ca2+ Waves and Subsequent Non-Synchronized Ca2+ Oscillations Coincide with Arteriole Diameter Changes in Response to Spreading Depolarization. Int J Mol Sci. 22(7):3442. doi: 10.3390/ijms22073442.
    Open access
  • Wang X, Li M, Zhang X, Li Y, He G, Dinnyés A, Sun Q, Xu W. (2021) CYP11A1 Upregulation Leads to Trophoblast Oxidative Stress and Fetal Neurodevelopmental Toxicity That can be Rescued by Vitamin D. Front Mol Biosci. 7:608447. doi: 10.3389/fmolb.2020.608447.
    Open access
  • Dulka K, Nacsa K, Lajkó N, Gulya K. (2021) Quantitative morphometric and cell-type-specific population analysis of microglia-enriched cultures subcloned to high purity from newborn rat brains. IBRO Neurosci Rep. 10:119-129. doi: 10.1016/j.ibneur.2021.01.007.
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