Funded research applications to the University Research Fellowship Program

The Review Panel of the University Research Fellowship Program have funded the research project applications of Dr. Rita Frank assistant professor, and Péter Kozák undergraduate medical student. Their research forms an integral part of the activity of the HCEMM-USZ Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism Research Group. The aim of the Program is to attract new teachers and researchers to higher education institutions, to support innovative Hungarian companies with research and development personnel, and to involve the most talented students in higher education talent management.
Congratulations on the achievement!

NAP 3.0 travel grant

In 2024, the National Brain Research Program 3.0 (NAP 3.0) launched a call for proposals to support short study visits of young researchers from consortium members and awarded a grant to Dr. Rita Frank , Assistant Professor, from the HCEMM-USZ Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism Research Group. Rita has spent the first week of August 2024 in the laboratory of Prof. Christine Rose at the Institute of Neurobiology, Heinrich-Heine-University Düsseldorf. Congratulations on winning the travel grant!

Hungarian State Eötvös Scholarship Funding

Following the decision of the Board of Trustees of the Tempus Public Foundation, Dr. Rita Frank has been awarded the Hungarian State Eötvös Fellowship in the Postdoctoral Category for the academic year 2024-2025. The scholarship will enable Rita to spend four months in the laboratory of Dr. Anusha Mishra (Oregon Health & Science University, Portland, OR, USA). Congratulations on the grant!

Presentation of appointments at the University of Szeged

On July 2, 2024, an award ceremony was held at the Rector's Office of the University of Szeged. At the ceremony Prof. Dr. Károly Gulya received the title of Professor Emeritus and Prof. Dr. Eszter Farkas was appointed Head of Department for the next term between 2024-2029. Congratulations!

Scholarship for conference attendance

Anna Törteli, a PhD student at our Department, has been awarded a grant from the Hungarian Association of Medical Sciences and Associations (MOTESZ) Foundation for Doctoral Training to attend a conference in Hungary. The grant will enable Anna to participate at the 18th Conference of the Hungarian Stroke Society, which will be held in Debrecen from September 5-7, 2024. Congratulations!

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Welcome to the home page of the Department of Cell Biology and Molecular Medicine of the University of Szeged!


Our courses in the BSc and MSc biology program are given at the Biology Institute of the Faculty of Science and Informatics. We also contribute to the medical education with elective courses, and teach biology in the pre-medical program at the Albert Szent-Györgyi Medical School. Our required and elective courses are given in Hungarian and English. The study material focuses on topics in cell biology and molecular biology. We teach a foundation course in the postgraduate program and provide project supervision to several PhD students.

Three productive research groups pursue experimental projects in the field of stem cell research, neuroinflammatory processes, and the cellular pathomechanisms of acute cerebrovascular diseases. We conduct basic and translational research. Our research is integrated into dynamic national and international collaborative networks.

Our experienced staff members are dedicated to education and research. Our goal is to provide up-to-date teaching material and to build a firm basis in cell biology - a dynamically evolving field of science. We would like to promote an experimental, scientific approach to learning, and make research and academic careers attractive to students.

Eszter Farkas

Prof. Dr. Eszter Farkas
department chair