Interview with Prof. András Dinnyés

 Prof. András Dinnyés gave an interview to Heti TV programme on the development of regenerative medicine, recently transplanted humanized pig heart and the perspectives of stem-cell based tissue regeneration therapies for diabetes, spinal cord injury macular blindness and other diseases. For watching this interview, click HERE.

Job oppprtunity - Laboratory technician

 The HCEMM-USZ StemCell Research Group (leaded by Prof. András Dinnyés) is looking for highly motivated laboratory technician. Our growing research team is doing translational research of human induced pluripotent stem cells in the frame of HCEMM (Hungarian Centre for Excellence in Molecular Medicine), that is founded by EU and supported by EMBL. Based on this partnership, there are opportunities for participating on educational programs and international cooperations. For more information, click here!

Science Patronage Grant


An application titled „Acute astrocyte swelling enhances ischemic lesion progression” submitted by our colleague Dr. Rita Frank to the 2021 Science Patronage Call of the National Research, Development and Innovation Office of Hungary has been awarded. With the financial support, Rita will participate in the “Glia in Health & Disease” conference which will be held at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, New York, U.S.A. Congratulations for the achievement!

The PhD defense of Rita Frank

rita vedes

Our colleague, Rita Frank, former postgraduate student of the Neuroscience program of the Doctoral School of Theoretical Medicine has defended her PhD dissertation titled The evolution of spreading depolarization in response to osmotic or ischemic challenge in rat brain slices with summa cum laude. Her thesis supervisors were Dr. Ákos Menyhárt and Dr. Eszter Farkas. Congratulations for the promotion!

Research competition essay prize

rita szab

The competition essay submitted by our colleague Rita Frank, PhD to the 2021 joint call of the “Fund for Science in the Southern Great Plain” and the University of Szeged has been awarded Third Prize. The prize award ceremony was held on November 25, 2021 at the Headquarter of the Szeged Regional Committee of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. Congratulations for the achievement!