György Romhányi Conference awards


   The first György Romhányi Conference organized by the György Romhányi College of the University of Pécs Medical School was held between November 4-6, 2022. College members of the four Hungarian medical schools, as well as of Marosvásárhely, Romania and Bratislava, Slovakia were invited. Our Department was represented by Dr. Armand Rafael Bálint, PhD student and Péter Archibald Szarvas, medical student. Péter Archibald Szarvas was awarded third prize for his presentation in his section, and received the Hungary Chapter special award of the Hungarian Medical Association of America. His supervisor has been Dr. Rita Frank assistant professor. Congratulations for the achievement!

100th anniversary of the death of István Apáthy


   On the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the death of István Apáthy, a commemoration was organized on 12 October 2022 by the University of Szeged SZAOK, the TTIK and the MTA SZAB Neurobiology Working Committee. Prof. Dr. György Lázár, Prof. Dr. Dezső Horváth, Prof. Dr. Antal Nógrádi and Prof. Dr. Gábor Tamás wreathed the statue of the scientist on Dóm Square.

Research essay award


 The Student Science Study Group Board of the Albert Szent-Györgyi Medical School awarded 1st prize to Sarah Danica Berger, a medical student in the English year, for her research competition essay titled „Reduced collateral circulation predicts insufficient reperfusion in the ischemic mouse cerebral cortex”. The work was supervised by Dr. Ákos Menyhárt, assistant professor at our department. Congratulations for the research essay award!

Professor titles


 Upon the proposal of the Minister responsible for culture and innovation, reached in consultation with the Universities, the President of the Republic has appointed the new University Professors. Among them, the Chair of our Department, Dr. Eszter Farkas has been promoted. The appointment is taking effect on September 1st, 2022. Congratulations for the title!

“OTKA” Young Investigator Excellence Grant


 An application titled „Modulation of ischemic stroke recovery through the muscle-brain axis” submitted by our colleague Dr. Ákos Menyhárt to the 2022 “OTKA” Young Investigator Excellence Program of the National Research, Development and Innovation Office of Hungary has been granted. With the financial support, novel and exciting translational research will be conducted to develop personalized, non-invasive therapies to improve the outcomes of ischemic stroke. Congratulations for the grant support!