Gradual program - Albert Szent-Györgyi Medical SchoolSZAOK logo

Educational advisor: Prof. Dr. Károly Gulya

Fall semester

  • Molecular Medicine, Hungarian and English years:

Medical training, lecture

Course leader: Dr. Ádam Légrádi

Topic list

  • Cytomorphology and Microtechniques, Hungarian and English years:

Medical training, lecture

Course leader: Dr. Melinda Szabó

Topic list

  • Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism, Hungarian and English years:

Medical training, lecture

Course leader: Prof. Dr. Eszter Farkas

Topic list

  • Biology for premedical students, English year:

Preparatory course, lecture and seminar

Course leader: Prof. Dr. Eszter Farkas

Spring semester

  • Glia cells in the nervous system, Hungarian year

Medical training, lecture

Course leader: Prof. Dr. Eszter Farkas

  • Molecular neurobiology, Hungarian year

Medical training, lecture

Course leader: Dr. Melinda Szabó

  • Biology for premedical students, English year

Preparatory course, lecture and seminar

Course leader: Prof. Dr. Eszter Farkas

The lecture schedules and lecture notes can be accessed through CooSpace.